Featured in Knoxville Business Journal

Stefan Wilson, owner of Allevia Technology, was featured as a columnist in the June edition of the Knoxville News Sentinel’s Greater Knoxville Business Journal.

Wilson’s column entitled, “A Desk Drawer Is Not a Backup Solution”, explores the importance of proper backup procedures, updating and maintaining your computers, and increasing speed and performance.

Below is an excerpt from Wilson’s commentary:

“Many of us have been spring cleaning, emptying closets, organizing files and discarding unwanted items. Now that the heavy lifting is over, consider some steps to make sure your PC is in top shape too.

“You’ve got documents, pictures, video and maybe even some work information on your computer. You think you’re covered because you’re backing up your data to an external hard drive.

“Some questions to consider: Where do you keep your hard drive? In your desk drawer? In a firebox? Is your firebox rated to protect electronics? What if your house caught fire? What if you were vandalized?

“A good rule of thumb is to have your data backed up off site. A cloud-based service is your best bet. If you have a small amount of data, many free options exist. If you want to back up a large amount of data, options are available for a small monthly fee.

“It’s important to have an idea of your needs first. Do you need all those pictures backed up? Or just those Excel spreadsheets? Do you want to keep backed up files forever even if you delete them from your machine? Or can they expire after 60 days? Choose a solution based on those needs.”

To read the full Great Knoxville Business Journal column, click here.

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Stefan Wilson

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