
computer repair Knoxville TN

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Captain’s Log, stardate 9871.1: The Enterprise recently left routine maintenance at Starbase Zulu Prime. We were unable to… secure proper upgrades for a refurbishment of internal computational arrays. I’ve gone through history logs and identified a region in time and space where the finest IT personnel in the last five hundred […]

The Enterprise Needs Computer Repair Techs and Materializes in Knoxville TN Read More »

managed services Knoxville

An Essential Component of Upgrade Managed services in Knoxville are something you’re going to need if you want to successfully and securely make the IoT (Internet of Things) leap. It’s here, and refraining from utilizing it will deprive you of advantages that can definitely put your business on the next profitability tier. Consider, for instance,

Managed Services in Knoxville Can Help You Make the IoT Upgrade Read More »

A diagram of a cloud DNS server for websites and domains.

We see lots of confusion around the topics of DNS, nameservers, hosting, and email. Like a lot of facets of IT, these services are flexible and can be highly customized by someone who knows what they want to do. However, if you or someone you trust isn’t sure what they’re doing… things can go downhill in a

Domains, websites, and DNS… oh my! Read More »

A cloud with a lock on it.

“The Cloud” has become one of my favorite buzzwords. It’s my favorite because despite my disdain for buzzwords, it does get people to come and ask me what it means. In short, anything that is “cloud-based” is something that runs on the internet. One such application that we push on all of our clients is

Backup in the Sky with Diamonds Read More »

A small computer sitting on top of a green table.

Smaller, lighter, faster. That’s what today’s computer manufacturers are going for. While products like Smart TVs and services like Netflix are blurring the lines between a computer and a Television, Lenovo’s latest entry into the market place is the Lenovo IdeaCentre Q-series. Ultra small and ultra light, it boasts all the functionality of a desktop

Forget Smart TV, Create a Media PC! Read More »

Three colorful free tags hanging on a white background.

“It will never happen to me.” “I won’t click on anything I don’t recognize.” “Only uneducated computer users get viruses.” “I don’t need to pay for antivirus software.” Do any of these statements sound familiar? As we’re all aware, we live in an ever-changing world in regards to technology. Ask yourself, do you keep up

Free Antivirus is bad. Read More »

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